For the safety of our community, transcenDANCE is fully committed to social distancing and will not be holding any in-person classes, rehearsals, auditions, or performances until further notice.
In these uncertain times, we empathize with each of you and we share your collective concerns about mental and physical health, finances, families, and the future.
Consequently, we know that our students need support right now more than ever. To serve them to the best of our ability, we have created a virtual plan to stay connected:
- Our CREATE students (12-18 years) are meeting virtually twice each week for dance, expressive arts sessions, and community building conversations.
- We are launching online CREATE rehearsals to start creating work for our 2020 show. Choreographers will be working with small groups of dancers online. This is a critical outlet for some creative energy.
- Our transcenDANCE alumni, who are transitional-aged young people (18 – 25 years), will hold weekly video conferences for creative sessions that involve movement and dance, resource sharing, and community building conversations.
- We will move to phone and video therapy sessions, available to all students and alumni. *We plan to increase hours for this service as we anticipate higher needs over the next two plus months.
If you are able to support transcenDANCE at this time:
- $100 provides 3 hours of teaching artist pay for virtual instruction sessions
- $200 provides 4 hours of one-on-one video conference therapy for a student
- Donations of any amount help to ensure our infrastructure remains intact and our staff can continue to serve our students.
We are also creating support committees in the areas of student services, and business and financial development. If you are interested and able to join virtual meetings, please contact us.
We hope everyone stays healthy and finds joy within their homes.