Professor T. Ford has been an educator for more than 25 years at Grossmont College where she is a Counselor and adjunct faculty in the English and Cross Cultural Studies Departments. She holds a Distinguished Faculty title. She is also an adjunct faculty member for the San Diego Community College District where she teaches in the Black Studies Department. She completed professional and graduate studies in African American Literature at the University of Kansas. T. Ford is a recipient of several grants including: California Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts and most recently as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar. Her contributions to the arts community include penning the first commissioned stage rendition of Sherley Anne Williams’ Dessa Rose under the direction of the late Dr. Floyd Gaffney. She was the executive producer for San Diego’s premiere of “From Whores to Matriarchs” directed by Rhodessa Jones. For thirteen years she served with Debi Dorn as Artistic Director for San Diego’s Emmy-award winning Teen Connection Theatre Troupe. She is a past member of the Board of Directors for both Black Friars and Common Ground Theatre. Ford was trained by the National Conflict resolution Center (founded by the University of San Diego Law Center and the San Diego County Bar Association) and graduated from its second class to serve as a member of the golden Hill Mediation Center. Ford is a charter member of the award-winning Black Storytellers of San Diego, Inc.