Our CONNECT programs include: Year-round dance classes at our studio, in-school dance residencies at local middle and highschools, community-based performance residencies, and outreach performances.
For our Summer 2023 Series we will be offering two classes every Monday over six week.
Full rate $60 / half off scholarships $30, Full scholarships available
Single payments for series only
How to register?
STEP 1 Orientation Day: Sign up for one of the 5 possible Summer Orientations here. The unique model of transcenDANCE is different from your typical dance center. By attending an Orientation, youth and family members will get an overview of transcenDANCE’s history, values, programs and services, and support with their registration process (scholarship application, enrollment form completion, etc). We value the opportunity to share all of this important information with you!
All our upcoming Orientations will be held at our Arts Centre in 7755 North Ave, Lemon Grove, CA 91945
STEP 2 Scholarships: All summer camps and classes follow our same trust-based system where full scholarship, partial scholarship, and full payment are options to all. For siblings, only one application needs to be filled out per household.
We will also honor and transfer any scholarships from existing students to the new season.
STEP 3 Class Registration: Once you have signed up for one of our Orientation Days and filled out a scholarship form (if you decide to apply for one), the please proceed to the link following to sign up for one of our Summer Camps!
STEP 4 Payment: If you did not fill out a scholarship application, we will collect any payment on the first day of class by credit card only.
For any questions please email registration@tdarts.org